5th October, 2022.

to the German page                 to the French page


French -> German     German -> French

French <- English -> German

Swedish -> German

Danish -> German

Translation software is capable of delivering disastrous results. With the following example, the result is even complete nonsense. For mature readers, this is not surprising at all: Robots do not have the ability to differentiate like a human being, who has been spending years on learning, and this on all imaginable levels.

Why translation software often is not even helpful, but very misleading, so we can only warn you not to use it without discernment.
A detailed analysis of mistakes in one specific case.

Warum Übersetzer-Software zumindest sehr häufig nicht einmal hilfreich, sondern in hohem Grade irreführend ist,
so dass man vor deren unüberlegter Anwendung nur warnen kann.

Eine detaillierte Fehleranalyse in einem konkreten Einzelfall. (June 2016 and July 2017)


Some of my references from 1997 to 2001:

in France and Belgium, which I had the chance to translate a wide variety of commentaries for (mostly from French to German, sometimes from English to German). They refer to permanent and temporary exhibitions or historical buildings. I would be very glad to receive any other kind of texts from you, such as administrative, technical, biological, literary, theological, philosophic or philological explanations or descriptions. They may have any form that is needed, essays, fragments and letters included.

The following space is meant to acknowledge receipt of messages (letters, emails or other ones received by phone) I do not reply to immediately. They are noted here by the simple mark of the senders´ initials and the day I received the message.

R.G. ( – Thanks a lot for your hearty greeting!)

© Annette Rochol, www.traductionrochol.com, 2000.

updated: 5th October, 2022.